Malayalam Samajam was Inaugurated on 25 - 09-2019. A Perfomance of Nalacharitam Aattakadha by Tripunithura Kadhakali Kendram under the leadership of Haripriya Namboothiri and team, was also staged dur...
On 10 th August Department staged two plays ‘ Panchayathu kinar’ by old students of Dept. of Malayalam and ‘Aa Manushyan Nee Thanne’ by Students of Malayalam Department in association with Dra...
‘Shathamohanam’ - A Perfomance of Mohiniyattom in association with Kerala Kalamadalam by famous artists Kalamandalam Prasheeja and Kalamandalam Veni were performed on 6/2/2018.
The Inaguration of the ‘Malayalam Samajam’ was conducted on 15-10-2018. A Perfomance of ‘Kalyana Sougandikam’ in Sheethanganthullal by Ambalappuzha Suresh Varma and team was also staged during...
A twelve member team from Bellarmine University will visit the Malayalam Department on December 20, 2023 as part of the Cultural Exchange Programme. Various cultural programs will be presented by the ...